Do you find yourself addicted to candles? Well, you’re not alone! As a fellow candle enthusiast, I’m thrilled to welcome you to the world of Sassy Rituals candles, where little flames ignite pure bliss. However,…View Post
Who likes playing dress up? I know plenty of people that don’t enjoy getting dressed for work each day and wish they had a Steve Jobs uniform. I find sheer joy in crafting outfits the…View Post
‘Twas the night before Halloween, when all through the house people were frantically arranging costumes. Isn’t that always the case? A mad last-minute dash to Target or the Halloween store to complete a look. I…View Post
Did you know that the average person uses 10-15 personal care products with 126 different ingredients every day? Your skin is your biggest organ, and what you put on it, you also absorb! This is…View Post
I have always loved getting to know you type quizzes like James Lipton’s Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire. I’ve shared templates for Instagram Stories to play along and share your story, download here. I’ve kept…View Post