nev’in ev’in

nev·in ev·in: 


1. never ever to the nth power: I will nev’in ev’in cross that bridge.

2. not at all; absolutely not: never mind; This will nev’in ev’in do.

3. to no extent or degree: nev’in ev’in will Sassy get over her fear of midgets.

origin: the real world chicago cast members


Just as cursing in Spanish is way more fun, making up new words is equally amusing. Nev’in ev’in is a perfect example of that and is simply the extreme. DailyCandy published an entire book of clever lexicons.

  1. beighborhood: n. Area populated by good-looking people. (“Let’s go downtown. Fifth Street has turned into a total beighbourhood.”)
  2. DIZO: n. Describes (busy, working, all-too-typical) couple: Dual Income, Zero Orgasm.
  3. Earnest Hemorrhage: n. A man who is oppressively forthcoming with every thought and feeling. Antonym: Ernest Hemingway, linguistically stingy author.
  4. foxymoron: n. One who is incredibly dumb but incredibly cute, who simultaneously attracts and repels. (“I’m so ashamed. I hooked up with that foxymoron last night.”)
  5. GHaG: n. Acronym. Girl-Hating Girl. The one whose only friends are guys.
  6. hobeau: n. A less-than-hygienic boyfriend. (“Better open the window. Here come Gloria and her hobeau.”)
  7. nontourage: n. A group of undesirable sycophants. (“The party was fun until Justin showed up with his nontourage.”)
  8. pharmasecrecy: n. The secret bond one has with her pharmacist. (“Only Mr. Myers knows the truth about my little Klonopin/Paxil/laxative habit.”)
  9. showflake: n. Person who chronically misses every appointment (e.g., haircuts, doctor visits, dinners). (“Is Louisa going to show, or is she pulling a showflake again?”)
  10. SoDeeWah: n. Socialite/designer/whatever. The model/actress/ whatever of the ’00s. You know the type.
  11. staremaster: n. Gym dandies who constantly check themselves out in the mirror. (“If that staremaster touches his pecs one more time …”)