single gal, celebrate me!

The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.

– Carrie Bradshaw, Sex & The City

“A Woman’s Right to Shoes”

Carrie tries to smooth things over with Kyra, but it seems that the two won’t be able to come to an agreement. Carrie then gets a brainstorm… since she’s always come through whenever Kyra has registered at a store, then maybe it’s time for Carrie to turn the tables. Ms. Bradshaw registers herself at Manolo Blahnik, in recognition of her just-announced marriage to herself. The only item that she registers for is a single pair of the missing $485 shoes, and Kyra finally comes around and replaces the missing Manolos.

That’s it, I’m turning 25 come May and between life celebrations of beautiful weddings and going gaga over babies, what about me? Where is the single gal celebrations? I know pronounce May: Sassy’s Birthday Month, Bonita Springs weekend at Allison’s place with some debauchery at Stan’s Idle Hour, Orlando for another Disney weekend with the Bears, NYC official b-day getaway with family & friends!