week of 10/30: rose & thorn

Never have I ever loved baseball more than corn dogs. And this week I got BOTH! For real, if you go to Tucker Duke’s and wanna be bad, #treatyoself to some mini corn dog nuggets with cheese sauce. Trust me I savored that lunch because it will be a while until I #treatmyself again. Enough about food, let’s get back to the highs and lows of the week – aka Rose & Thorn.



The “Sporty Sass” alter ego that the World Series created is thrilled. Now don’t go thinking that I am a sports expert. I just pay close attention when told! A few months ago, Nelson told me to look out for my home team and has kept in the loop since the Playoffs. He said, “Those Astros have a pretty solid team groomed in the Minors.” As it turns out, Houston winning the World Series was sort of in the stars. Sports Illustrated predicted the win in 2014 and even put MVP George Springer on the cover. The Fresno Grizzlies, the Triple-A affiliate of the ML B Houston Astros, had prepared an entire “Back to the Future” marketing campaign around the Astro’s 2017 WS win.  It’s not too crazy of prediction given that 9 out of the 25 Astros played in the minor league team! Thank you, Nelly, for educating me and keeping me hoping for our ultimate victory. #HoustonStrong

Don’t worry y’all haven’t lost me to Sporty Sass. I still totally forgot about my Fantasy Football team until the absolute last minute.


Not feeling great. NOLA kicked my ass – the race left me broken and swollen & my liver hates me. As a result, extreme detox is underway but hopefully, lots of “feeling like sh*t” symptoms will dissipate. This shouldn’t really be a thorn but being “healthy” isn’t always fun but it’s necessary. You can’t forget that your health is your wealth. Cheers to Bulletproof coffee and chicken & broccoli for the next couple of months! Consider it a jumpstart to the “New Year, New You” Bandwagon. If you care to join me, I would love to share! You know how they say that misery loves company 🙄