My girlfriend Alli posted this to her IG story yesterday and the series of thought-provoking questions seems like the perfect topic to cover heading into the new year. We all know I love a good quiz and year-end recap, so let’s play! ⚠️: feelings may arise
Questions to ask yourself before the new year:
1. What’s one small way you can become a better person in 2020? For others? For yourself?
I’ll always champion investing in yourself. Your personal growth will inevitably bring you to a better spot and hopefully help others along the way. It’s like the old saying, you can’t love someone else until you love the skin you’re in. #selfcare
2. What are you holding onto currently that’s no longer serving you? Why are you holding on? What’s one small step you can take towards releasing it?
I moved into my place with a bag of clothing to donate or sell on Poshmark/eBay that I have not only never looked at over the course of the year, but I should probably add to it by now. It’s a matter of taking the time to do a good Marie Kondo session. Any volunteers to help in exchange for bellinis and a good dance party?
3. Set a goal for 2020 that excites you. Set a goal that scares you.
The craziest goal I’ve set to date was running a marathon, and man I’ve done two of those already. In 2019, I took baby steps towards a cleaner lifestyle, I want to commit to expanding upon that in 2020 and focus on the diest & fitness aspect of it. It’s exciting and scary all at the same time because I know I’ll be giving up some devilishly delicious (yet toxic) things. Making the clean beauty swap seemed impossible, but I managed to fall in love with all sorts of great products, so I’m excited to shift focus and find some new loves. I’ll commit to working on implementing the Trim Bootcamp Workouts and Carb-Cycling plans, and I’m participating in the Predict2 study at the end of January to better understand my body’s unique responses to food. On the fitness side, I’ll continue kickboxing and strength training at IntensityX3, spinning with Peloton, and giving Busy Phillips and Jen Gotch’s favorite LEKFIT a try!
4. What do you want to be a student of 2020?
Along the same lines of the Predict2 study, I want to take a scientific approach to livin’ my best life and diet. Taking a more optimized approach to nutrition will take some trial and error, but between the study and using GenoPalate to eat based on my genetic makeup, it should be achievable.
5. Who in your life deserves the biggest thank you for this year? Let them know if you can.
Mami. There is never enough I can do or say to thank her. Between being the world’s best nurse and always a phone call away to help with the house or anything. She’s the greatest. God bless, Bertha.
6. What can you thank yourself for this year?
Leaning in. When an opportunity to speak up and shine has presented itself, I took it without hesitation and it’s paid off. I could have just as easily, sat back and viewed from the sidelines, but I wouldn’t feel as fulfilled as I have this past year in my career. There’s still lots to be done, but I know that I’m ready for the challenge.
7. What have you outgrown this year?
Running. My love/hate relationship with long-distance running has fizzled out. Ever since I had to skip my Autin Half before surgery in February, I just lost my mojo. I’ve done a few short runs here and there, but nothing major or exciting to train for. I’ll still lace up to do short intervals and maybe consider a 10k, but I’m not putting myself through the stress of a half or full marathon. My 23andMe confirmed that I’m better suited for short, intervals instead.
8. What’s an important boundary you’d like to set for 2020?
I believe, that my life’s gonna see
The love I give
Return to me.
I’ve always loved that line from John Mayer’s Wheel. And while I do believe it, I also want to make sure that those that get my love, appreciate it and deserve it. I will take better notice of those that only take and rarely show up or reciprocate. I’ll let it be known that I deserve better, so it will be no surprise.
9. What memory from this past year that makes you smile just thinking about?

Exploring Napa/Sonoma Wine Country with Alissa and Jake this summer for Marco and Laura’s wedding was very memorable. New vineyard experiences at Jordan and Silver Oak paired with multiple visits to the tried and true Hall Wines were simply remarkable. You know I’m outdoorsy. I like day drinking at wineries. Let’s go back ASAP!
It’s great to reflect and set new intentions heading into the next decade upon us. I’d love the hear your responses and comments. If you’re like to follow the original Twitter thread, visit it here.