week of 11/12 – rose & thorn

Pardon me. sassyrants.com was down when I wanted quickly review the week’s highs and lows. I made the best use of a Facebook post for Rose & Thorn. This week’s format was based on an article I stumbled upon on the Elevator newsletter.

Rose 🌹 – What was the “high point” of the week?
Wednesday, November 15th was a marvelous day in history. 3 of my favorite people were born and I was able to celebrate all of them. So much love for celebrating their own little New Years. Love ya Michelle, Jon, and Shannon.

Thorn 📌– What was your “low point” of the week? Importantly, what could you improve upon for next time?
This week was all about survival. I struggled terribly even trying to make it to Friday. My eye has been on the prize – going to NY for the week of Thanksgiving. It’s a bummer that so much excitement can cloud your judgment or focus.

Hero Moment 🏆– What did you feel proud of today? Alternatively, who was a “hero” this week?
Obviously, I have been obsessed with Taylor Swift’s latest album and have been streaking for the past 8 days jammin’ out to reputation. But Taylor is my HERO this week for being such an awesome person. Read this BuzzFeed story about Taylor on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and then tell me if she isn’t a total hero.

Quartzy summarized this exercise perfectly, “Embracing negative emotions? Check. Expressing gratitude? Check. Room to grow tomorrow? That too.”